The Providence Community Herbarium (PCH) is an unofficial survey of Providence vegetation as seen through the eyes of Providence citizens.
PCH is a collaboration between Heather McMordie and 12 Providence & North Providence residents. Each participant has chosen a plant to create a print about in order to build a record of Providence vegetation that is personal and communal.
Collaborators include:
Charlotte Powning - Moonflower
Conor MacDonald - Pepperweed
Emily Wilker - Queen Anne’s Lace
Jeremy Ferris- Tree of Heaven
Jessyloo Rodriguez - Mugwort
Khalil Lorens - Milkweed
Kotone Deguchi - Skunk Cabbage
Sara K Dunn - Swamp Milkweed
Shaena Monroe Soares - Black Haw
Si Jie Loo - Assorted House Plants
Susan Tacent - Canteloupe Seeds
Vessna Scheff - Avocado Seeds
PCH Collaborator, Jeremy Ferris, signing his edition of cyanotype and relief prints. 2023
All prints from this series are currently available for purchase. Click the link below to browse prints for sale.
Prints in Process
Click on an image to learn more about the collaborator, printmaking process, and plant subject.
Read more about the project and the process in the October 2023 article from the Brown Daily Herald.
This project was made possible in part through support from the Interlace Grant Fund, a regranting partner of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.